
Review date: 04/17/2007
Done by: aka AudioPenguin

Enter Kagome, an average cheery high school girl that lives with her mother and grandfather at their family-owned shrine. Little did she know that the wellhouse out back contained a gateway to the Feudal Era of Japan, where demons, mikos, and magic run wild. As she accidentally happened upon this well and found herself on the otherside of the gate, she meets the vile-mouthed Inuyasha. Inuyasha is half human, half dog demon. Unfortunately, Kagome is a silly twit, and ends up firing a magic arrow at a very powerful jewel called the Shikon No Tama. She inadvertantly shatters the jewel, sending the different shards scattering to different ends of the land.

Now, Kagome and Inuyasha embark on a quest to find these jewels and reunite the Shikon No Tama so that no demon might get ahold of it and use its powers for evil. The two meet a slew of favored characters such a lecherous monk named Miroku, or a spunky demon slayer named Sango. They meet MANY other friends along the way, along with many enemies as well, most notably the longstanding Naraku who seems to be the main orchestrator of all happenings with Kagome and Inuyasha's quests. Naraku being as devious as he is, already has many of the jewel shards in his posession and continuously uses Kagome and Inuyasha unknowingly do his bidding, such as corrupting a jewel shard, or destroying a troublesome competitor. Overall, while the characters are initially fun to meet and watch interact, the show ends up getting very repetitive. It seems as if almost every episode involves one of the major characters going into a long elaborate flashback with Kagome screaming about something. And also while the main story and continous vile trickery done by Naraku is very entertaining, MANY of the episodes tend to feature quite a bit of episodes that ends up VERY meaningless in the main story.

They usually learn nothing, and involves Inuyasha and/or Kagome solving a mystery in a village, or destroying a demon in some town. The fight scenes are severly lacking as well. The amount of potential they have built up is frustrating as your cliche swing, change scene, and character scream. It seems as if little, to no time is put into the actual physical abilities of the characters. Overall, I don't see how many people can like this show. Die Hard character fans seems to be the only other reason for liking this disgusting waste of potential.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how cute!!!!